(J-WIS is a platform by JarusHub to enlighten prospective job seekers about companies in Nigeria with a view to aiding them in making informed career decisions. The information is drawn from basic research. While we did our best to ensure the information is accurate, we may not be able guarantee 100%  accuracy in all cases.)




1. Why banking? (Especially if your course is not banking/business related)

Tip: Here, you have to demonstrate passion and desire for the banking profession. The interviewers want to see your desire for the industry and not just something to pass time with. Think about a time/project/person that made you decided that it is the banking profession you desire to have your career. Expect follow-up questions.

2.  Tell me when you were in a situation where everyone relied on you to solve a problem. How did you cope?

Tip: You are to discuss about that project/exercise/assignment where everyone relied on you to provide the answer which will solve the solution. Here, you have to demonstrate your interpersonal abilities; how you carried people along even though you know the solution; answered their queries; the solution involved and how the project/exercise/assignment continued. Expect follow-up questions afterwards.

3. Tell me about a situation where you had little information regarding the task to solve. How did you go about it?

Tip: Think about that task that aligns with the question. Here, you are to exhibit to the interviewers that you are a creative and innovative individual. Someone who can solve problems with little details and do it in a swift approach. If it were in a group, your interpersonal abilities are also tested with this question. Display creativity by analysing the Situation, Task, Action and Results.


4. What do you know about Wema Bank

Tip: Here, you are to demonstrate your knowledge about the bank. To further boost your session, pick up a relevant but recent policy or news about the bank and talk about it like you were involved in the project. This is after you must have summarised about the important timeline in the bank’s history.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Tip: A question to expect. Here, the interviewers want to hear your career prognostication and how the firm is in that journey. You have to express your desire to be a top professional while adhering to the tenets of the banking industry. Talk about how you desire to be a top banking professional with the firm aiding in the process. The firm should in your plans.

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For detailed one-on-one coaching on Wema Bank interview, check out our interview coaching service.


So, have you undergone Wema Bank recruitment process? How was it? What is your impression?

Or have you worked in Wema Bank before and want to tell us more about working in the firm? Let’s have your comments.

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See also

CV Review

Assessment Center Preparation

Interview Preparation

Career Guide

Career School

Career Networking

Professional Networking


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