“The Interview Chat is Too Short, is it a Bad Signal?”

Dear Jarus,
I would like to find out if one can still lose out on a job offer even after getting to the final stage of the recruitment process. The final stage was a brief interview/chat with the Head of Dept. where I will be working if I eventually get the job. The interview went well (I was able to answer the questions asked reasonably) but I am quite sceptical because it didn’t last 10 minutes. Though I was asked if I will be willing to relocate because of the job. Prior to the final stage of the recruitment process, I have gone through four previous stages.
Please kindly give me an insight or share any experience similarly to this scenario.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
Dear Maryam,
Final chats are usually short because they are most times formality and executives don’t have time to sit with you for long. There is no cause for scepticism at all.

However, that does not mean a candidate cannot be dropped at such level. But it is rare, the candidate commits an unpardonable deal breaking blunder. But if you think you did well, no cause for alarm.
The time is not a problem at all. Final chats are usually that short. We explained that in this article.
All the best

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See also

CV Review

Interview Preparation

Why universities desire personal statements and statement of purpose

Career Guide

Career School

Career Networking

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