Please help review my proposed route to becoming an investment banker


Hi Jarus,

I want a career in investment banking (IB) and I need a career advice. I hold a second class degree in economics (2:2) and I know it’s not a good start for someone going into IB. I’m planning to go for Msc. Economics in Malaysia and also enrol in ACCA. After that I want to attend the New York School of Finance but don’t know how helpful it will be in landing me an offer to settle down without CFA which I also want to enroll in the future.

P.S. I’m 22 years old and hoping to start my MSc. early next year. I will also be glad to know the advice of your team. Thank you sir.

N. AbdurRahman


Please refer to similar case: With my 2.2, how do I become an Investment Banker?

In addition, go ahead with your Msc Economics and enrol for ACCA. New York School of Finance is also a good place to add to your knowledge and preparation. Your plan appears to be in order. You may also consider internship position in investment institutions in Malaysia and in New York in particular while you study there, as that on your CV may also be helpful. All the best.


  1. iyke 31 May, 2014 at 01:01 Reply

    Hello. I need your honest advice. I finished from UNILAG with a 2:1 in Mathematics and statistics and am about to serve soon. I am confused on whether I should write the CIS exams before CFA first. Or I should just go ahead and write CFA. I heard that CFA is more complex and I really want to get grounded in IB before writing this CFA coz I know its very important. Please I need advice . Thanks

    • Jarus 1 June, 2014 at 17:38 Reply

      You can start from CIS. CFA is truly more complex and better appreciated if one has work experience.

      Start CIS, start applying to small investment institutions like Vetiva, Meristem, ChapelHIll etc. With one or two years in these companies, you will better appreciate IB, and enroll for CFA

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