Overqualified? Why You May Not Get Job Easily! (2)

Moruf Kolawole Nasir
(Experienced HR professional)
nmkolawole@gmail.com; jarushub@gmail.com
In continuation of our last case studies, on why recruiters avoid hiring over-qualified applicants and why we (the participant at the NIM training) discouraged the NNPC man from hiring the Bsc Candidates for OND roles. The following are part of what inform such view:
1. FEAR THAT THE STAFF COULD BE EASILY DISGRUNTLED & UNHAPPY IN THE JOB: The number one reason why hiring mangers avoid overqualified candidates is for this reason. Naturally when human beings need something, they tend to exhibit humility at its peak, but as soon as their demand is met, the inner pride surfaces. Same for job seekers. At the point of looking for job they naturally accept all conditions (excepts those who are already engaged and needed something better), but as soon as the immediate problem of joblessness is solved and some basic needs have been attended to, they then get conscious of their real worth and not the contracted worth. In reaction to the ‘underemployment’, low morale sets in, and productivity drops. This, recruiters are aware of and try to guide against it from inception.
2. FEAR OF NOT MEETING UP WITH THE STAFF PAY/BENEFITS DEMANDS: Recruiters also need to address the issue of pay, either at the point of taking up the job, or in terms of expectations from the job. Hiring managers often assume that if you have more experience or education than the job requires, your salary expectations are probably higher than the role pays too, and if you accepts what is offered at inception your expectations will be more than what the role can offer, hence a disgruntled and unhappy worker in future.
3. FEAR OF THE STAFF BEING BORED WITH LESSER RESPONSIBILITIES: Recruiters also have to deal with the fear of the person being bored due to task that is bellow what the person’s capacity or qualification requires. Hiring managers often think that someone who used to do higher-level or more interesting work can’t possibly be happy with less challenging responsibilities, and they assume that the person will quickly get bored, then frustrated and then want to leave. Imagine an Admin Manager with about 4 to 5 staff under her, taking up the job of a front desk officer; obviously she will get bored in no time.
4. FEAR THAT THE APPLICANT MAY NOT KNOW WHAT THE JOB ENTAILS: Recruiters also worry that in a bid to getting hired somewhere, applicants assume what the job will be like and in their assumption, belief they can do the job. But in reality, the assumption may not be true- you may be thinking, say the job ad says data entry, that you will quickly prove yourself in no time and take up more interesting work- when they really need someone who will do data entry and be happy and contended with it.
5. FEAR THAT THE STAFF MAY LEAVE AT THE VERY FIRST AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY: This no doubt is another strong point for avoiding over qualified applicants. Recruiters are also humans they know what time it is; they cannot justify why anybody will want to apply for a job bellow his/her qualification or experience, order than the desperate need to get a job. They believe you want to take up the job because of the pay check, and that as soon as something more suited to your experience and qualification shows up, you will take your leave at the first available opportunity.
6. FEAR THAT THE STAFF MAY BE HAVING ISSUE WITH MANGER / SUPERIOR WITH LESSER QUALIFICATION OR EXPERIENCE: This is also a unique point. If it is observed that you have more experience than your manager or superior (to be), you may be drop to avoid conflict. In other cases, if the hiring manager feels you have significantly more experience than him or your supervisor, he may worry that you won’t be happy or comfortable taking direction from him or the supervisor, and that you’ll think you know better.
These are some of the major reasons why recruiters don’t hire over qualified applicants. How to address the issue of over-qualification when applying for jobs will the address in the next edition of HR Desk.
Always remember “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn”.
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