Hi Jarus, I recently bought your book, Road to VI, and I must say it’s one of the best books I have ever read! Maybe that’s the reason I devoured it within two days. Apart from the enlightenment it gives, it also brings hope.
The issue I have now is networking, and as you always emphasize, it is useful in any competitive field. Actually, I have friends who know one or two guys in the industry. Also, I used my research project as a means of entering a few of the firms you talked about in the book and had two contacts, but after 4 months I’m yet to follow up. That’s where my issue lies.
Now how do I approach these guys? After the approach, what do I tell them I want from them? Should I ask for mentorship or what? I will appreciate if you can give me a practical guide to ‘penetrate’ them as I don’t want to look like a time waster.
Thanks for finding my book helpful, A.G.
I think you should have followed up earlier, like a week or less after you met them. Just an email or sms before or when you finished your project to say “Just wanted to thank you again. I really learned a lot from you.” Like a month or two after, shoot them another email or sms to ask how’s work, how’s this, how’s that, and reintroduce yourself in case they have forgotten. You may also decide to call, but make it in the late afternoon or early evening when the work has reduced as calling them at the thick of work in the morning or afternoon may not produce desired result.
Then you continue to keep in touch. If you hear or read any news about their company, shoot an email or sms to just congratulate them if it’s a positive news or commiserate with them if it’s bad news.
If no news, say you just wanted to say hi.
It doesn’t mean you should turn a nuisance though, you will still need some discretion/wisdom in timing.
Within four months, you would have struck relationship with these guys.
Then when you graduate, tell them you have graduated and ask if they don’t mind mentoring you…then send your CV.
But its not too late. Go and send email or sms or call them now and reintroduce yourself (you have to tell longer story now, compared to when it was still fresh 4 months ago). Don’t talk about job yet. Just tell them you wanted to say hi, that you really appreciate their assistance blabla.
Monitor news about their company and try to inject that into your subsequent communication. For example, “I heard your company is doing XYZ. That’s fantastic. I wish you all the best”.
When you complete your final exams, tell them you have completed your exams. Then in the next communication, politely ask for mentoring. Then find a way of sending your CV to them.
Before you know it, you would have struck relationship with these guys.
That is how to network like a pro.
This has never failed me!!!
At JarusHub Career Academy, networking skills is an integral part of our course content. Enrol for the next class.
JarusHub Networking Saturday is another network. Register for next outing in Lagos (July 25, 2015) @ Ocean Basket, VI. Email to or sms to 08061198625 to confirm interest in attending.
Established in March 2013, JarusHub is a Nigerian information hub with focus on career and management. It is rated Nigeria's most authoritative destination for online career resources. It parades an array of Nigerian professionals who share their career experiences with a view to bridging career information gap and mentoring a generation to success. JarusHub has revolutionised career information and experience sharing in Africa. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate or an established professional, or even an executive, you will always find something to learn on JarusHub. All enquiries to or 0808 540 4500. Facebook:; Twitter: @jarushub or @mcjarus.
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Hello A.G,
I read your message to Jarus and have also seen his reply. All he said are very correct, try to stick with his advise and you’ll get positive results soon.
Adding to what Jarus has said, I will like to remind you that these are the days of Social Media. Use the social media wisely and you’ll be surprised. I have seen HR consultants of top organizations checking out the social media pages of prospective applicants. Though this may sound ridiculous, but they just want to see how this person is, how he lives his life and all of that.
I have lots to say about this, the summary is that you should learn to NETWORK well and also build a very good corporate image online.
Good job Jarus!