Key Tips to Pass a Corporate Interview

Jeremy Angelo
At every step of life, an individual has to face new challenges and usually the first few challenges are the toughest ones because it takes time to adjust to the new life and environment. Once an individual gets used to it, the challenges seem relatively easier. Some of these challenges are very important to ace otherwise you may end up losing some very crucial opportunities in life. These challenges may include clearing the test for a university admission, socializing with new people in college and most importantly, acing the interview at a corporation for the first time.
Getting a job at some of the finest corporations of the world is not an easy task because recruiters pick only the best minds from a pool of thousands of applicants. The recruitment process usually consists of an online application, tests, panel interviews and on-job assessments. A survey revealed that recruiters attach the highest weight to interviews because this is the stage at which they are able to recognize the applicants completely by asking tricky questions. Interview is not only a game of answering the questions correctly but you must be aware of the fact that interviewers pay attention not only to your words but to your personality, clothes, way of talking, way of sitting, hand gestures, confidence and possibly everything they can.
Therefore, following are some of the key tips you must keep in mind to ace a corporate interview:
- Dress well: Think a lot about what you wear for the interview because dressing not only changes the appearance of a person but also his personality. Make sure the shoes and belt matches perfectly, the shirt is properly pressed and buttoned up and the tie is in proper shape. Every minor thing in your dressing will be noted by the interview panel so this is the day when you have to spend several minutes dressing yourself.
- Do not look nervous: Confidence is all that large corporations are looking for in applicants because without confidence, employees would not be able to achieve targets. It is normal to feel nervous on the interview day especially when it is your first time but do not make it too obvious during the interview. Breaks while speaking, folding or playing with fingers and changing sitting position again and again are some signs of nervousness that you must avoid. Feel confident, it is just an interview so you only need to be genuine.
- Avoid lies at all times: In an attempt to impress the interviewers, applicants tend to tell a few lies that they believe they will get away with easily. However, recruitment team is a bunch of experienced individuals who immediately recognize when you lie. They will cross question you in a way that will make you speak the truth and that is when you lose your opportunity. Be yourself and speak the truth for that is what interviewers appreciate about applicants.
- Do not speak extra: You are not the only person there for an interview so you need to keep track of time. Get done with your most important points as soon as possible so that you do not miss out on anything important. In an attempt to speak a lot, you may forget to mention some important achievement or simply run out of time.
So keep these tips in mind and you can ace the corporate interview. Remember that interviewers are also human beings who will not ask anything you have no idea about.
Jeremy Angelo is the HR director at a textile firm in New York Online Assignment Services at He obtained his postgraduate degree in HR management and owns an experience of 13 years in this field.
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