ICAN staggers me….how do I bounce back?


Please I need your advice on my ICAN program.  I have written the exam once but was unable to make any of my papers. However, since that time I have no time to prepare for the exam again and due to relocation and status of my work,. Now, I want to try again but I have issue with study center as I don’t know which center I should enroll, am presently in Ilorin now.

Bello O.S


I am sure there are ICAN coaching centers in Ilorin. Please ask around.

However, to do well the next time, start reading from now. It’s not about going for tutorials alone, self-efforts matter a lot. You just have to read well. Have you started checking those materials/notes you used in your last attempt? These are critical. There is what I will call “tutorial overload”, where some students spend all the time available for them in extra classes, piling up notes and materials, without reading. It happens in our higher institutions too, where some students, especially from the lower end of the academic talent ladder, attend multiple tutorials and get too many materials, without time to study, and end up performing poorly.

Personally, I prefer self-study when I am constrained by time, but that is me. I will still recommend you attend ICAN class, but please, don’t forget you have little time (you have your work to contend with), divide the time you have between attending tutorials and studying.

All the best.


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