I want to dump my Animal Science Programme for Accounting

Sir, honestly, your site happens to be one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I am encouraged by the way you and your team are affecting lives positively not minding your busy schedules. Thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity and chance you have given me, to see life from an entirely different perspective. I pray that the Almighty bless and reward you all bountifully. Amen.
My name is Kelechi Ibiam, a final year student of Animal Science and Technology, in one of the Federal Universities of Nigeria. I have so been in the course, though not my dream course but I want to get a degree in an Accounting/Finance course as i dream to work in a financial institution. I did not just dream of it or maybe have the interest all for financial gains, but for the love and passion i have developed for it.
Please, I am seeking your advice on whether to enrol and pursue a fresh Accounting degree or I should finish with the present and switch directly to my dream course and career. Besides that sir, I humbly request you to be my mentor as I draw a lot of inspiration from you.
Thank you sir.
Kelechi Ibiam
From the JARUS TEAM:
I don’t think you need to start Accounting degree afresh. On completion of your B.Sc. in Animal Science and Technology, you can switch to accounting by enrolling in ACCA Program. The ACCA program is divided into three stages. On completion of stages 1 and 2, which is possible within 1.5 years, you can apply for B.Sc. in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brooke University in the UK. You won’t have to write any additional exam; you only need to complete a thesis. This means within two years, you can become a chartered Accountant and possess a first degree in Accounting without any conflict. Besides, this recommended route doesn’t preclude you from working full-time
My verdict is for her to finish her course of study and write a professional examination in Accounting – ICAN or ACCA. Nothing stops her from having a career in financial services; what is required most times is a good first degree.
However, to add a practical twist, her animal sciences qualification could come in handy in future and she should take it as equally important as her dream. She can enter into Financial Services and discover few years down the line that not all that glitters is gold. She could at that point switch to doing business with her animal science knowledge plus her accounting skills
I think it can’t be over-emphasized that whatever one finds himself doing should be done well. You never can tell.
Dear Kelechi, since you are in your final year, you should strive to complete the program with a very good grade. You may also start to study employment text books such as GMAT and GRE. This I believe will position you well to get employed in any of the financial institutions though coupled with other requirements. I know GTB accepts 2.2, 26 years in any university, Access bank accepts 2.1 and 26 years at their entry level. Do not forget however to enrol for ICAN or ACCA depending on your purse to also give you a very sound foundation in finance. I wish you the best.
My team have said it all. You don’t need to drop your current Animal Science & Technology programme at all. You never can tell where it is going to be useful to you, like Obafemi noted. It still doesn’t stop you from becoming a Finance professional. Even medical doctors write ICAN/ACCA and other Finance professional qualifications to become Finance professionals. The Chief Finance Officer of my former company, a big energy company, studied Mechanical Engineering for first and second degrees, yet he is a Finance guru today. In fact, still in my former place of work, I have another Senior Finance Manager that read Animal Science but is now an accountant. I have a colleague that studied Agricultural Science but is now an Accountant. I know another person that had First Class degree in Microbiology, got job in tax division of one of the big 4 professional services firms, wrote ACCA, became a tax professional, and later got scholarship to study for Master’s in one of the branches of microbiology in one European country. He is there now. When he comes back, he has option to continue as a tax (Finance) person with his ACCA and experience with an auditing firm, or use his first and second academic degrees in Sciences to pursue a related career. That is the option finishing this your current course also has the potential of giving you.
All the best, Sister.
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May God bless all the contributors on this topic. I’ve wanted to write Jarushub pertaining to this very topic. The difference here is that my course of interest is Economics and I’m a final year student of Agricultural Engineering. I never for once dreamt of becoming an Agricultural Engineer, not even after an expert and practitioner tried to convince me of the career opportunities for students who study Agricultural Engineering.
Haven’t spent four years at home after my SSCE, I became desperate to enter into any university to study whatever course given to me. I got admission into one of the leading school in the country with an offer to study Agricultural Engineering which I accepted with a view to moving to Economics department after my first year. All effort to cross to Economics department in my second year was to no avail. So I carry on with Engineering. Even though I’m an average student of engineering (my school standard), I don’t think I can fix simplest fault in simple farm machine. This weakens my learning spirit everytime I think of myself as a part five student of engineering. My inability I believe is mostly due to my lack of interest in the course and, maybe, poor system of education of the country.
Despite my best efforts, I’m still struggling to make a 2:1 in my final year. These, the stress and ‘you must cram to pass’ syndrome is killing my academic life and makes school uninteresting to me.
I would have loved to start afresh with economics if not for my age (will turn 26 next june) and my financial status.
Sir, kindly do justice to my case as u’ve done to that of Kelechi.
This will be treated as another case-post. Check the blog tomorrow for answer.
Thanks for your quick response. I’m looking forward to reading your opinion and that of the others.
Thank You Sir.
Have you seen it published?