How do I establish a successful career in HR?
Hello Mr. Jarus,
I have to say, visiting your blog has been awesome. For a young graduate like me, the site is a veritable treasure trove of nuggets for self-empowerment and realisation of one’s career objectives.
Please, I’d like to know what ways one can establish a successful career in Human Resource Management. I’m a graduate of Sociology with a second class lower qualification, almost done with my Youth Service and I am really enthusiastic about going into HRM as a career. I know a professional qualification from CIPM or a related body is a sure requirement for this career path and that’s the next on my agenda. I have been applying for several HR job postings that I’ve come across without much success, but I put that down to my not possessing a CIPM qualification and my lack of work experience relevant to the field and I plan to remedy that very soon. I’d really appreciate your advice as to what I can do.
Dear T.O,
Thanks for the generous comments about my blog. Your not getting invite for the jobs you applied for is due to the fact that you had 2.2. I always advise students to please ensure that they make at least 2.1. While I’m not deriding 2.2 graduates or making it look as if grade is an absolute determinant of success in life, the truth we cannot wish away is anything lower than 2.1 makes job search more difficult. There are tens of thousands of First Class and 2.1s out there competing for same job with you.
That said, you write quite well (in a nation challenged with graduates with horrible writing skills), and that, prima facie, tells you are sound, perhaps sounder than many 2.1 grads. My advice: don’t leave your option closed to HR role in the beginning. Limiting yourself to HR at this stage may not be optimal. Apply for any job you’re capable of doing. When you get the job, you can then think of crossing to HR, if the opening comes within the organization. Start CIPM immediately, because most HR openings will require that. All the best.
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Established in March 2013, JarusHub is a Nigerian information hub with focus on career and management. It is rated Nigeria's most authoritative destination for online career resources. It parades an array of Nigerian professionals who share their career experiences with a view to bridging career information gap and mentoring a generation to success. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate or an established professional, or even an executive, you will always find something to learn on JarusHub. All enquiries to or 0808 540 4500. Facebook:; Twitter: @jarushub or @mcjarus.
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October 29, 2024
Waoh…good one jarus. T.O you have heard it all. I am a human resource personnel with over three years of experience. I had no experience when I started but I will say my 2:1 wooed my employer. I am at the moment writing my CIPM exams. Try get a job for a start then you can streamline say in a year’s time. All the best