He wants to push his CGPA to first class bracket and finish writing ICAN before graduating

Good Morning Jarus,
I’m an avid reader of your motivating blog, I once sought advice from you when I was given admission at University of Benin(Accounting) and University of Ilorin (Finance).Thanks to God I’m now settled and just resumed for my 200L.
I’m presently in a CPGA of 4.2. I am also presently in PE 1 stage of ICAN…I’m seeking advice on how I will push my GP to 4.5 above (first class) and how I’m also aiming to become a Chartered Accountant before graduation..
One of the challenges I’m facing here in Benin is no Standard tutorial center. I will be doing most of the reading on my own. I want you to advise me on the strategy I should use to make my aim achievable. I would also like you to shed more light on the New ICAN syllabus in terms of its Merits and Demerits..
You doing a great job…Thanks God bless.
Good to see you did well in your year 1.
CGPA of 4.2/5 is a good one. Take these steps to take it higher:
- Believe in yourself. If you made 4.2, then you can make 4.5 and higher. Be determined.
- In your year 1, you did general courses, from years 2, you will be doing accounting-specific courses. This should be an advantage to you because you now will be coming across more what you have come across in your ICAN studies. Yet, never underestimate school work. Familiarity brings contempt. Feeling overconfident is the surest route to a southward CGPA.
- Taking it one session at a time, go and write down all the courses you will be writing in 200 level; their weights (unit points); then simulate the grade you need to make in each of them (e.g A, B etc – but always target A in every course) to push your CGPA to 4.5. It doesn’t look like you can push it to 4.5 with first semester alone, do second semester too.
- Keep this simulated scoring close to you; take it along with you when going to read. Think about it. Assess achievability after every test. For example, if you are targeting 70% (A) in a course, and you score 30/40 in test, you know you have to 40/60 in exams to achieve your target. Calculate and calculate and calculate. I personally did all these. If you score 20/40 in a test, you know you have a mountain to climb to score 50/60 in exam to achieve your A. Tests are very critical. Take them seriously.
- Never miss classes. Participate in assignments. Attendance and assignment can take as much as 10% in your total assessment. Don’t lose marks in these little things.
- Ask your immediate seniors about each course, and the lecturers that took it. What does the lecturer like? Get to know the pitfalls of most students in the prior sets, etc
- Repeat same process at the beginning of years 3 and 4
For ICAN, to qualify before graduating, it is simple: register and write exams. You have just two stages to go. Most times, your ICAN studies and your school work as an accounting student are complementary. You have 3 years to finish school, you can qualify in one year if you’re serious about it.
There is no issue with studying alone. In fact, I prefer it and it works more for me. Just devote your time to it and study enough past questions. Absence of standard tutorial center in Benin should not be a barrier.
ICAN syllabus is to expose you to changing dynamics in the accounting profession. The principle of debit and credit has not changed. So no big deal. The same way you passed under the old syllabus, the same way you should approach exams under new syllabus. Study by syllabus, tick each topic as you cover it.
All the best.
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hello sir,mr jarus,my name is daniel. I gained admission into OAU tHRU direct entry to study ACCOUNTING. I want u to pls help and tell me how to come out with first class result from ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT IN OAU.Also i want u to pls list out all the course i am going to offer in my part 2 first and second semester and also the course outline for accounting department in oau. I will be very grateful if my request is granted.
I cannot list teh courses for you.
This advise I gave to one of you (same school) will be helful to you:
am doing health education in university of ilorin
I want to know if I will hv d opportunity of getting a job immediately after having my b.s.c
It depends on you. Start making enquiries on outfits that take Health Education graduates so that when you graduate, you will apply to them.
Hello Sir! I came across this portal just now and I can’t stop thanking God, I’ve been battling with myself, I’m in my 300L and want to start ICAN without tutorials, how can I get the syllables and past questions? And please how much will it cost to enrol for ATS1?
please from what stages do I need to start I can and what is the process, I completed my B.sc program last year 2015 from national open university Benin study centre, please am looking forward to hear reply from you on this issue thanks God blees.