Focus on Course: Mathematics


By Abdul Ganiy Shehu

Mathematics as a course has no definite definition. To some it’s a
confusing course; to others, it’s there to make people fail their
exams, but to a mathematician, it’s a course meant for critical minds
ready to proffer solutions to different problems.
Mathematics study as a subject in its own right dates to 6th century
BC,with the pythagoreans,who coined it from the ancient greek word
(mathema) which means subject of instruction. It’s also right to say
that the origin of mathematical thought lie in the concept of
number,magnitude and form.

The evolution of mathematics might be seen to be an ever increasing
series of abstractions, or an expansion of subject matter.
Thus, Mathematics arose from the need to:
i- count
ii- calculate on taxation and commerce
iii- Understand relationship among numbers
iv- Measure land
v- Predict astronomical events.

These needs and many more can be related to the general sub division
of Mathematics into the studies of quantity,structure,change,and
space. So, Mathematics as a course is essential to the
development,civilization,and upliftment of the human race and hence

Though to an unconvinced mind who still needs to know why Mathematics
should be studied as a course, let me state categorically that it’s
the case of The More You Look The More You see.

Hence to a layman, Mathematics should be studied to an advanced level
because it’s interesting and enjoyable. Interesting because of its challenge,clarity,and the fact that you
know when you are right. Enjoyable because the solution to a problem
has an excitement and satisfaction. But, to a mathematician, it’s studied because of its wide importance,
the way it’s advancing at a spectacular rate,pattern,structure etc.

The importance of mathematics in our daily life cannot be over
emphasised. There’s hardly any course in the university which doesn’t
require a mathematical knowledge. In the physical sciences(Chemistry,physics,astronomy etc) mathematics
is required to develop its theories. The invention of computers was made possible with the mathematical
application of Logic,Algorithm etc.

In ecology, mathematics is used when studying the laws of population
change. Travel by aeroplane couldn’t be possible without the
mathematics of air flow and control systems.
From what has been said so far, Mathematicians(qualified) have the ability to:
i- use logical thought
ii- formulate problems which allow for computation and decision.
iii- make deductions from assumptions etc.

This is why Mathematicians are referred to as Jack of all trades, and
it’s the reason why mathematicians are increasingly in demand.
With a mathematics degree, you should be able to delve into finance,
statistics, engineering, computer science, teaching, accountancy etc
successfully which might not be possible for other graduates. This
flexibility is more important nowadays due to the uncertainty of where
a person can work in the future.

According to Mikhail B. Sevryuk in the january 2006 issue of the
bulletin of the American Mathematical Society ‘The Number Of Papers
And Books Included In The Mathematical Reviews Database, Since
1940(Its first year of operation) is now more than 1.9 million, and
more than 75,000 items are added to the database yearly.

Finally, As you consider if Mathematics is the course for you, just
Remember that while it’s one of the oldest courses, it’s constantly
being rejuvenated and very much alive and useful in the 21st century.

Shehu is a 200 level Mathematics student of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria

We welcome write-up focusing on any discipline by any interested contributor.


See also:


FOCUS ON COURSE: Estate Management & Valuation

1 comment

  1. Gbeminiyi 7 September, 2013 at 11:40 Reply

    On point………Mathematics is a very useful tool. But Computer science does the actual problem solving by using mathematical tools. Will probably put up something about that someday.

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