Feedback: From Shame to First Class – How JarusHub Made the Difference


Good evening sir. How is the family, work &business? It’s I, Daniel, your mentee @ Unilag (now an alumnus sha). I wish to appreciate you for your guidance during my undergraduate days as your inspiring words aided me in clinching First-class honours. Recall sir, that in yr 2, I had expressed my reservations about my discipline (Sociology) & you advised during our meeting at your office, that I endeavour to emerge with a first, regardless. Well sir, those seeds you sowed have bore fruit. Many thanks for being a huge inspiration Sir Suraj. May the creator reward you greatly sir. I’ll be commencing service year soon, & with it, my journey to Victoria Island.

That was the feedback we received this evening from one of our mentees who we advised in 2015 here .

We are happy to have positively impacted someone’s life.


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