Yesterday, a top consultancy outfit contacted me to help get CVs of qualified candidates to fill some positions for one of their clients.

I put up posts on this portal to circulate the information and gather as much CVs as possible for the firm.

The feedback I got from applicants has ranged from the ridiculous to the downright annoying.

How can someone send his CV without stating the position he is applying for? Not even as email title.

Common sense also requires that the applicant saves his CV with his name, except instructed otherwise in the application advert e.g TUNJI ADESOJI. I have received CVs saved as JARUS TUNJI.


I have also received CV wihout any information other than “find attached my CV for your perusal”. Pray, what am I perusing? How do I know the position you’re applying for? Or you want me to be the one to help you do that?

I also got an empty email with just the name of the position and CV attached. I had to reply the fellow that “what is the purpose of this email?”. Simple sense requires that an email application should contain at least two lines stating the purpose. Even if it is just “I hereby apply for the position of XYZ as advertised”.

I find it annoying that many Nigerians do not take care of these simple things and continue to blame everyone but themselves for not being invited for job selection process.

In any case, I recommend some of our past publications on email application.

Email Applications: How Nigerian Graduates Goof (I)

Email Applications: How Nigerian Graduates Goof (II)

Email Applications: How Nigerian Graduates Goof (III)

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