Dear Jarus,
I want to commend you for the good job on your blogs which have affected lives positively towards their careers. Please I hold a Bsc in Accounting I want to change to Law career. I am working presently. Kindly advise me on this – whether there is Nigeria university that offers Law as part time program. I have literature in my o level.  I am in Lagos.
law pic
Dear Idowu,
I threw this to members of our network that are familiar with Law career and here is the best response:
No university offers law part time.The last set of part-time Law programme in Nigeria was that of UNILAG and it came to an end some seven years ago. You may be advised to opt-in for the University of London Law External Programme here in Nigeria. Although the programme is a bit expensive, it does make sense. Within 3 years you can round-off this programme and you can be called to INN in any jurisdictions in the UK. The programme is of international standard.This was the programme the like of Chief Awolowo, Ghandi, Gani Fawehinmi, Afe Babalola etc underwent.
I wish you all the best.
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  1. Mariam 13 July, 2016 at 23:39 Reply

    Please jarus can you explain further why it doesn’t make sense. It is the monetary aspect or its not longer recognized. Thanks

  2. tolorunse joseph 25 December, 2016 at 20:39 Reply

    pls I just want to ask maybe I can use my bachelor degree to in mass communication to study law through direct entry?

  3. mercy 7 May, 2017 at 22:31 Reply

    I have been surfing on net for few time now in order to locate any national open university that offers law in nigeria but all efforts prove abortive, can you come to my aid? .

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