Mr Jarus, I stumbled on your blog and I feel I must also share my own challenges with you. I am an accounting graduate of a State University in the South-West, I narrowly graduated with a 2.2 because my project supervisor gave me a C in my project. However, I have been writing ICAN exams and I hope to complete it soon, I finished 4 years ago and I am yet to get a job. My greatest fear has always centered on how to get a good job with a 2.2 degree. My questions, to be specific, are:
1. Can I make up for the 2.2 class of degree?
2. I live very close to University of Lagos and I am planning to take MSC accounting, but people told me 2.2 graduates have slim chances of being admitted, especially into a very competitive program like MSC Accounting. Is there anyway I can increase my chances of being admitted, because my dad is a lecturer and he has influence of getting me a lecturing job if I have an MSC accounting degree.
3. Can I get a scholarship for Masters programmes abroad into a good university with 2.2?
4. What do you think I can do to make myself more marketable to enable me get a good job?
Thank you Sir.
Dear Akin
1, First degree matters a lot at entry level, and but you still can make up for it. See tips we shared in a past article on making up for not-so-great grades.
2, If your father is a lecturer and getting Msc Accounting will ease your chance of getting lecturing job, please go for it.
3, Getting scholarship abroad with a CGPA that got you 2.2 will be a little tough, but with great GRE score, it is possible. It may not be a top school though. See our tips on foreign scholarships here.
4, Complete that ICAN exams. It should make a difference. Use private networks, as not all jobs are advertised. Don’t target big companies only, try small ones too, even if it’s those that pay you N70,000 per month
I wish you all the best.
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