Dear Jarus,
I must say a big well-done to you and your team for the wonderful job are doing on mentoring people about career paths. More power to your
I’m a 2.1 graduate of Biochemistry from one of the Federal Universities in the Southwest.
As it is, I seemed to be a little confused on the career path to take.
As I could not afford to pass through college only to get certificate, I involved myself in a lot of extra-curricular activities in my
undergraduate days. I was a campus journalist and at various times led different student and youth organizations. And so, towards the end of
my study, I developed flair for management (resource and people).
I however seem lost on where and how to begin. For instance, a certification in project management is a no-no as I’m still a fresh
graduate with no experience. Similarly, getting an MBA degree now isn’t worth it, same reason as above.
As my service year approaches the middle, with serious thinking, I found myself in between returning to the University for an MBBS degree
and following the management path.
Returning to the University after NYSC will see me qualified as a medical doctor at age 30, ceteris paribus. I plan to finance this
through small business I will set up immediately after my service year. The business will be overseen by someone after 6 months of setting it up.
Dear Ade
Both are okay, but I will rank them.
1, Go for medicine, you’re sure of getting job with Medical degree.
2, Go for management, 2.1 will make it relatively easier, but not that easy I must confess. You don’t need any project management course at this stage. MBA would have
been okay but it is best enjoyed after having few years work experience.I’m inclined to saying you should return for Medicine.
All the best.
Established in March 2013, JarusHub is a Nigerian information hub with focus on career and management. It is rated Nigeria's most authoritative destination for online career resources. It parades an array of Nigerian professionals who share their career experiences with a view to bridging career information gap and mentoring a generation to success. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate or an established professional, or even an executive, you will always find something to learn on JarusHub. All enquiries to jarushub@gmail.com or 0808 540 4500. Facebook: www.facebook.com/jarushub; Twitter: @jarushub or @mcjarus.
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November 19, 2013
Hi Ade, good to hear from a metabolite from like me. Your are not in this shoe alone, a lot of biological sciences graduates from Biochem, Microbiology and many others from basic medical sciences like anatomy and physiology knows where the shoe pinches more after service, cos there is no specific career paths for us except (in lecturing, offcos we all can not lecture)its with grace. I Believe oga jarus has said it all, medicine wont be a bad idea though since you have the age on your side, unlike some us. But even at that, i must ask if u are ready for another 6yrs rigour(internship inclusive). becos i have a friend that applied to unilorin for medicine last year, finished with a 2.1 MCB from ABU.. He went tru hell to be admitted, the day he gave the news of his admission, everyone was happy for him only to hear from him a month after, told me the stress was just too much and finance is not coming has he thought..That’s how he quitted. Now my take, thank yourself to have found something u love on time…Management! i was compelled to comment on this because i found out we had so many things in common. I love management field too, especially Integrated Marketing communication and Marketing, i had 2.1 in biochemistry like u. but from a south western state uni and had two plans, an MPH OR MBA…. Masters of Public Health because i was tired of biochem pathways and metabolism cramming style and also becos public health is interesting and very promising. Secondly,an MBA because i had searched linked-in and many companies management staffs profiles, found out many biochemist that have diverted and are doing good in their new chosen path. Also one thing is common with most cv i checked, MBA is always a rally point of some sort..Wao! i like this, i told myself. many discouraged me that MBA is meant for people already working cos of experience, but then i had many people that said it doesn’t matter, go for it.. Now i choosed MBA instead immediately after NYSC…Today, am an MBA Student of Unilorin, my classmates are mostly not my mates, they are mostly working class. they shower me love and the networking is so superb…..Now, i know with God, it wont be hard for me to get a place after the programme. Wish U all best!