Hi Jarus,
I graduated with a second class upper division in Statistics in 2006 and worked in the banking sector as an Executive Trainee in the Internal control department after NYSC. I started ICAN in 2009 and also Masters in Financial Economics in 2010. I however had to put ICAN on hold due to my work load and pressure considering I work full time and also had to study and attend lectures for both ICAN and my Masters. In 2011, I resigned and join the University as graduate assistant in the department of Mathematical sciences. I passed ICAN foundation before putting it on hold.
I am out of the country for my MSC in Statistics ( Time series) and I hope to submit my Thesis for examination by May 2015 considering my MSC is by research. Lecturing has always been my number one, but in the long run, I hope to go into professional Accounting with a chartered cousin of mine.
I intend resuming ICAN exams by November 2015 before proceeding for PhD in 2018 by God’s grace, taking into cognizance that I have to complete the exams before my 10 years as a student member elapse. I have 11 papers to go (as per the new syllabus) but intend taking it in piecemeal ( 3,3,3 and 2 subjects respectively for each diet) due to research and teaching commitment and taking into cognizance that I have to complete the exams in 10 years . I am happily married. Kindly let me have your opinion/advice on this.
Best regards,
Note: I wish to remain anonymous.
Dear Anonymous
You started ICAN exams in 2009, so I presume you registered as a student same year or a year earlier, 2008. 10 years will be 2018, so you have 4 years left to complete the exams or risk being de-registered.
You have passed Foundation, Stage 1, you have 3 stages to go. I will advise you write the 4 papers at each stage. You never can tell which ones you will pass, if not all. If you’re acing each stage at one attempt, you can complete that in one and half years. Okay, let’s say it takes two diets before all subjects in a stage, that is 3 years. 3 years from 2015 will be close to 2018, the last year in the pass-or-quit window. That’s risky.
I will advise you start from now, 2014. Go and dust your materials and start preparing for November 2014 diet. If there is no ICAN exam center in the country you reside, it is not too much to come back to Nigeria for the exams for the week of the exam. For me, academic environment is the best environment to be multi-tasking. I believe you can combine your ICAN private studies with your Msc and teaching.
But if that option is going to be very tight for you and you’re confident of you ability that you can scale the 3 remaining stages within the 7 diets November 2015 to November 2018, then no problem, you can wait till then.
Your plan is in order. Lecturing is a fantastic field, go for it. When you eventually return to accounting practice, it makes it easy.
All the best.
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Dear Anonymous,
It might interest you to know that the recent change of syllabus by ICAN leaves you with 12 more subjects (excluding case study) to write before you qualify (2 more in foundation, 6 in application level, 4 subjects plus case study at final level). Check new syllabus at http://www.icanig.org/ican/documents/PS2014.pdf
Moreso, you might need to review your 3,3,3,2 formula as ICAN requires you to pass all the subjects in a level before proceeding to the next level. These information will assist you to come up with better strategy towards reaching your goal.
Best of luck
Thanks Jarus and Fidelis. Your contributions will go a long way. @Fidelis, from the New syllabus, a student can register for any number of papers at each level and shall be credited for each subjects passed (see page 11). And also, before the new syllabus, I have AA, Tax and BCRM only to sit for at the Intermediate level hence, I suppose I have 11 papers to go (see page 14). Thanks ones again for your contributions.
Pls can I complete all d 11papers in 2 diets as an holder of bsc in accounting frm an accredited institution?
Dear Anonymous,
Please finish your ICAN 1st. The Masters degree can always wait and they hardly review their syllabus unlike ICAN. I had to abandon my MSC so as to write my final 2 papers, A. TAX and Case study, November 2014 diet. Pls face ICAN first because it is worth it.
Pls can a second class lower student apply for I can professional