DCT04102013: Pick Up the Phone – Stop hiding behind your computer


DAILY CAREER TIP: 04.10.2013 – Pick Up the Phone

 Stop hiding behind your computer. Business gets done on the phone and in person.  It should be your first instinct, not last, to talk to a real person and source business opportunities.  And when the Internet goes down… stop looking so befuddled and don’t ask to go home.  Don’t be a pansy, pick up the phone. – Jazon Nazaar

Absolutely spot on. I have realized a long time ago, that using telephone – or physically walking to that colleague or subordinate or boss – achieves better results than email. I only use email, just for record purpose, in case someone denies ever receiving the information from me. You achieve result quickly when you make phone calls or walk up to that work mate, than going back and forth with email and typing epistles.

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