Apply for Acumen Global Fellows Programme


Acumen is a non-profit that raises charitable donations to invest in companies, leaders, and ideas that are changing the way the world tackles poverty.

The Acumen Global Fellows Program is a full-time 12-month fellowship designed to train the next generation of social impact leaders. Fellows spend two months in New York for leadership development training followed by nine months working with an Acumen investee company in India, Pakistan, East or West Africa. During their field placements, Fellows provide on the ground management assistance and strategic support to help our entrepreneurs scale their business.

Basically, it involves professionals with 3-7 year experience exposed to world-class leadership training, serving in the field with a social enterprise and joining a cohort of emerging global leaders leaders.

A friend of mine got this and left his KPMG job. He is now in the USA for the leadership development training. Few Nigerians are in this programme. You may want to apply




All the best

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