Salam alaykum. I am an ardent reader of your posts in your blog. I have been offered admission at your alma mater-Obafemi Awolowo University to study Economics, and I believe you would be able to put me through since that is what you, going by your profile, studied.

I am absolutely naive as to what is required of me to finish with a First Class in OAU. In fact, as I was told by someone, graduating with a First Class in Economics in OAU is utopian, to say the least.

I therefore humbly solicit  your advice regarding this ambition.

I also need you to mentor me on how to WRITE. As you would have seen, my composition can be likened to that of a primary school kid(I sincerely admit).






Wa alaykum salaam,

On graduating in flying colours, we have treated that extensively on this platform. I recommend the underlisted articles:

1, Traveling the Jarus Road – where I narrated my experience in same department

2, Secrets of First Class Students – where I shared what I considered useful tips to finishing with a good grade (not necessarily First Class).

3, Tips for academic success – by Tope Ajetunmobi

I believe you have in those articles more than enough resources to guide you on academic success.

On your writing skills, good that you admit it is below par. It is. But you can improve it by simply reading and writing. Read anything that catches your fancy – mine was newspaper. Write and write and write. You start by imitating someone else’s writing style. Write at least one article per week, on any topic that interests you, just anything. You will keep improving. There is nothing wrong in revisiting those elementary textbooks like “Brighter Grammar”, “Common Errors in English”, etc. All these will be helpful.

I wish you all the best.



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