7 Quick Tips That Make Your Application Outstanding When Submitting Your Resume Via Email…


Ansa John

Ansa John is the owner of Ansa Careers and EduAnsa.  I do freelance writing and write on careers related topics. Contact me on and let’s talk.

Your application determines if you will be called up for an interview or not. You should put effort into making your application stand out from others’ and it should be clear and simple! Employers probably read through hundreds of applications a day, chances are they probably will not read through it all! For those of you that don’t care, or have no clue if your application is worthy of submission, here is my basic outline for an outstanding application when submitting your resume via email. Also some tips on what to do and what not to do.

Research shows that about half of the resumes employers receive via email do not have introductory paragraph.

BTW – In most cases you hardly need a Cover Letter, unless you are applying for a high level position, or except when expressly stipulated. One paragraph in the body of the email is sufficient.


It should be short, strong and to the point:

  1. Should be no larger than one paragraph. About 4-5 sentences
  2. Clearly state the position title (reference job # if applicable) you are applying for and the company. Make sure the title is right and the spelling of the company is correct.
  3. Should state your reason for applying for the position. Why are you a fit?  Why are you excited about this position? Think Passion
  4. Should contain a brief list of technologies you have experience with and number of full life cycle projects you have completed. If not what have you done.
  5. Should list one outstanding accomplishment. Can be an area of expertise. Something you are proud of – should be related to the job. Try to tie point 4 and 5 in the same sentence.
  6. Last sentence may contain any of these: “If you have any questions…,” “Thank you for your time…”
  1. Opening and Closing phrases should follow the format below:

Dear Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Miss Jones                       Yours sincerely

Dear Sir/Madam                                                 Yours faithfully

Dear Human Resources Manager                     Yours faithfully

See the Effective Resume Tips You Cannot Ignore for more info about building your resume


So here are some Dos and Don’ts that you should follow:


  • Be concise – no one wants to read a lot of gibberish considering they may have already read dozens before!
  • Include a summary/ objectives or missions at the introductory paragraph but remember to keep it brief.
  • Do include your full name, contact details i.e. mobile, telephone.
  • Remove the mobile signature if you are sending your application from phone (e.g: email sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone)


  • Use slang, it’s not being different – it’s being stupid.
  • Use itallic fonts, so much that the text is actually unreadable.
  • Don’t be over arrogant, but don’t be too soft. You are selling yourself.
  • Don’t use the same application for every job you apply for, some can be different so try and adapt as close as possible to the job on offer.
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