5 Best Useful Applications Of AI in Modern World

using AI to search for jobs

In the modern world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force, influencing various aspects of our daily lives. From enhancing writing proficiency and securing public spaces through video monitoring to shaping personalized education experiences and revolutionizing business operations, AI applications have become indispensable. 

Noteworthy examples include AI-powered writing tools like Grammarly, which refine written content, and advanced video monitoring systems that employ computer vision for real-time threat detection. In education, AI tailors learning experiences, while in business, it contributes to data analytics and decision-making. AI for job seekers streamlines the employment landscape, optimizing resumes and providing invaluable insights.

1. AI for Job Seekers:

Use for Job Seekers:

AI for job seekers revolutionizes the job search process, optimizing resumes and matching candidates with relevant opportunities. 

These tools, like LinkedIn’s job matching algorithm, contribute to a more efficient job market, with AI projected to save businesses $3.7 trillion in hiring costs by 2030. Additionally, virtual assistants provide interview preparation assistance, enhancing candidates’ readiness for diverse job opportunities.


LinkedIn’s AI-powered job matching algorithm suggests relevant job opportunities based on a user’s profile and preferences.


Efficient Job Matching: 

AI analyzes job requirements and candidate profiles, streamlining the job search process.

Resume Optimization: 

AI tools help job seekers tailor their resumes to align with industry and employer expectations.

Interview Coaching: 

Virtual assistants provide tips and practice scenarios to help candidates prepare for interviews.

Market Insights: 

AI tools offer data-driven insights into industry trends, salary expectations, and in-demand skills

2. AI in Writing Tools:

Use in Writing Tools:

AI in writing tools harnesses the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to enhance textual content. These algorithms analyze vast datasets, understanding contextual nuances and offering valuable suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity. 

For instance, Grammarly, a leading AI writing tool, processes over 400 billion words per month, showcasing the scale at which NLP algorithms contribute to refining written communication. With an accuracy rate exceeding 90%, these tools significantly elevate the quality of content by providing context-aware recommendations.


SEO Magnifier official AI rewriter employs advanced AI technology to meticulously scan text, identifying grammatical errors, proposing improved word choices, and providing valuable style recommendations. This tool enhances content quality and readability, offering users an efficient way to refine their written material.


Contextual Suggestions: 

AI understands the context of sentences, offering more relevant and context-specific suggestions.

Plagiarism Detection: 

Some tools use AI to identify potential instances of plagiarism, ensuring content originality.

Style Consistency: 

AI helps writers maintain consistent writing styles throughout their documents.

Language Learning: 

Writers can learn from AI-generated suggestions, improving their language skills over time.

3. AI in Live Remote Video Monitoring:

Use in Live Remote Video Monitoring:

AI in Live remote video monitoring harnesses computer vision algorithms to scrutinize live video feeds, enabling real-time detection of patterns and anomalies. 

This sophisticated technology ensures immediate identification of potential security threats by learning and analyzing behaviors, ultimately enhancing surveillance efficiency. 

By continuously processing visual data, AI-powered video monitoring systems contribute to the proactive and effective safeguarding of monitored areas.


Sirix’s video analytics use AI to detect unusual activities, such as a person loitering in a restricted area or an object being left unattended.


Real-time Threat Recognition: 

AI enables immediate identification of potential security threats.

Behavior Analysis: 

Algorithms learn and analyze patterns, distinguishing normal behavior from suspicious activities.

Reduced False Alarms: Advanced AI reduces false alarms, focusing security personnel on genuine threats.


AI allows for the monitoring of large areas without requiring an impractical number of human operators.

4. AI in Education:

Use in Education:

In education, AI utilizes algorithms to personalize learning experiences, adapting content to individual student needs. This transformative technology not only automates administrative tasks, saving educators valuable time, but also analyzes vast educational datasets. 

According to a study by McKinsey, AI in education is projected to contribute $300 billion annually by 2030, underscoring its significant impact on shaping the future of personalized learning.


Khan Academy’s adaptive learning platform uses AI to tailor educational content based on a student’s performance and learning pace.


Personalized Learning Paths: 

AI adapts content to individual student needs, promoting a more effective learning experience.

Efficient Grading: 

Automated grading systems save time for educators and provide prompt feedback to students.

Predictive Analytics: 

AI analyzes student performance data to identify potential challenges and areas for improvement.


 AI-driven tools make education more accessible to diverse learners, including those with different learning speeds or styles.

5. AI in Business:

Use in Business:

AI is integral to modern business, powering applications in data analytics, where it processes vast datasets to extract valuable insights. In customer service, AI-driven chatbots enhance interactions by providing instant responses and support. 

Moreover, AI aids decision-making by providing actionable information, and its role in process automation streamlines operations, boosting overall efficiency. As of 2022, the global AI in the business market is valued at $27.23 billion, demonstrating its widespread adoption and substantial economic impact.


Salesforce’s Einstein Analytics utilizes AI to analyze customer data, providing actionable insights for businesses to enhance customer experiences.


Data-driven Decision Making: 

AI processes and analyzes vast datasets, enabling informed and data-driven decision-making.

Customer Engagement: 

Chatbots powered by AI provide instant responses, improving customer service and engagement.

Operational Efficiency: 

AI automates routine tasks, reducing manual workload and increasing overall operational efficiency.

Competitive Advantage: 

Businesses leveraging AI gain a competitive edge by staying agile and responsive to market trends.


The widespread integration of AI in our modern world is evident across diverse domains, bringing about increased efficiency, personalization, and innovation. From revolutionizing how we write and securing our environments to shaping the future of education, business, and employment, AI’s impact is profound. 

As businesses embrace AI for competitive advantage, individuals benefit from enhanced educational experiences and streamlined job searches. The continued advancement of AI technology promises a future where intelligent systems play an even more integral role in shaping our interconnected world.

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